Monday, February 17, 2014

Power of Volunteers

As the bi-annual board meeting approaches I have been thinking about the strength of IAWP.  I have come to the conclusion that we have many strengths, but the one I am most proud of is the strength of the spirit of volunteerism.

IAWP has just celebrated 51 years of hosting an annual training conference.  That takes many volunteers working many volunteer hours to make that happen.   I know that the IAWP 2014 is putting in long hours, on top of regular duties, to put together a full agenda and program for conference delegates.

I have also been thinking about the volume of work that our Board of Directors and Board of Trustees put in to push the goals and objectives of the organization.  Many directors attend meeting on their own time.  Many hours go into updating blogs, researching business process and preparing reports to ensure we make sound business decisions for the organization. 

There are many more hours of work that happen for regional conferences, which have become a common side event to bi-annual board meetings.  Several Region 9 and 10 members are hard at work to make the coming event in Las Vegas as success just as the many volunteers did last year in Port au Spain, Trinidad. 

IAWP owes special tribute to all of our volunteers who have contributed to our success.  Next year we celebrate 100 years as an organization.  And that does not happen without dedication and effort of volunteers.  We all benefit from the power of our volunteers.    Thanks to all who take time to pitch in!